The Declaration of War
Evidence of Queen's involvement in the 1975 dismissal uncovered

A Great Big Thank you to Jenny Hocking A stunning decision in the Palace letters case today! In a emphatic 6:1 decision the High Court has found that the Palace letters are Commonwealth records and can be released!!

Key points:
The High Court rules the documents, known as the "Palace letters", are public not private
Historian Jenny Hocking has been fighting for access to the correspondence since 2016
The letters and clippings may shed light on what the Queen knew about the Whitlam dismissal

Those involved, in Australia and in Britain of the palace letters, have kept this involvement hidden from the Australian people in a process of collusion and deception.
Historian Jenny Hocking discovered files in the British archives showing Sir Michael Palliser, the newly appointed permanent under-secretary of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, arrived in Canberra a month before the dismissal and held a joint meeting with Sir John Kerr and the British High Commissioner, Sir Morrice James, just as the Senate was blocking supply.
Professor Hocking said.
Immediately after the meeting Sir John Kerr cancelled a planned international trip to remain in Australia.
Professor Hocking believes the Queen knew what might happen to the government well before it happened – unlike Whitlam, who was caught completely off-guard by the actions of November 11, 1975.
Professor Hocking says a joint Australian-British inquiry into the events leading up to the dismissal, which remains Australia's greatest constitutional crisis, is needed.
The treachery of Kerr is apparent in the archival papers. As In the months before the dismissal, Kerr confided in members of the High Court, legal academics, the Opposition and Prince Charle. making plans, and involving support for his action at the most senior levels.
It's way past time that Australians had access to the Truth.
The down fall of a Labour Government of the time and dismissal of an Elected Prime Minister.
The historian Jenny Hocking has won a landmark high court case in her bid to secure sensitive correspondence between the Queen and former Australian governor general Sir John Kerr about the dismissal of Gough Whitlam.
Jenny Hocking says the time frame for the release of correspondence about the 1975 Whitlam dismissal doesn’t match the high court order
Jenny Hocking
Professor Jenny Hocking is Research Professor and Australian Research Council Discovery Outstanding Researcher Award (DORA) Fellow in the National Centre for Australian Studies at Monash University. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and the inaugural Distinguished Whitlam Fellow at the Whitlam Institute at Western Sydney University. Jenny is an award-winning biographer, scholar and political commentator and the author of the acclaimed two-volume biography Gough Whitlam: His Time and Gough Whitlam: A Moment in History.
Historian Jenny Hocking says letters between monarch and John Kerr are of ‘the greatest historical significance’
Queen Elizabeth v Australia
Knowledge is Power and will be their Downfall
Gough Whitlam, started the dismantling of the Australian Constitution, by changing the Royal Styles and Titles Act which removed the Queen, this occurred without a legal referendum. Over the years changes have been constantly made by all Political parties, post Whitlam's changes they are sitting unlawfully. Whitlam also signed the Unidroit treaty against the wishes of her Majesty and without asking the Australian people at referendum.

The Dismissal (1 of 5) Of Gough Whitlam On 11th November 1975
Four Corners in 1995. It is to mark the 20th anniversary of the Whitlam dismissal..... On Tuesday November 11th, 1975, the Governor-General of Australia, Sir John Kerr, dismissed Mr Gough Whitlam as Prime Minister and appointed Mr Malcolm Fraser as a caretaker Prime Minister. The dismissal was the most dramatic event in the history of the Australian federation. For the first time, an unelected vice-regal representative had removed from office a government which commanded a majority in the House of Representatives. A Double Dissolution election was held on December 13th, 1975, at which the Whitlam Government was soundly defeated. The dismissal of the Whitlam Labor Government was the culmination of a series of dramatic events which began in October, 1975 with the refusal by the Senate to pass the government's budget bills. source George Stenhouse